Independent Agents

Offering affordable rates, flexible pay plans, and discounts where they matter.

Our Product was Built With
Your Customer in Mind!

With over 60 years of experience, The General® is bringing the Independent Agent a product built with expertise and purpose.

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Why Choose The General?

Commitment Icon Handshake for showing commitment

A Track Record You Can Trust

We take pride in our reliable track record. Our brand is recognized by over 80% of people, serving more than a million insureds. With an average of 4.7 out of 5 on Trustpilot from over 92,000 reviews, we consistently earn customer trust and satisfaction.

Elite Agency Product Icon Monitor screen icon with forms

Elite Agency Product

Our Elite Agency Product is designed with independent agents in mind, catering to a wide range of customers—including those with complex driving histories or international licenses. We offer competitive pricing and tailored solutions to ensure the right fit for customers.

Customer Service Icon Customer support through call and messages

Unmatched Customer Experience

We provide exceptional customer experience for our independent agents with comprehensive training, marketing materials, bi-lingual support, and a dedicated sales team. For our insureds, we have 24/7 service with our user-friendly mobile app that facilitates easy payments and instant ID cards, all backed by live customer support.

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